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Electric hydraulic control valve maintenance
Electric hydraulic control valve maintenance:
Hydraulic control valve should be installed before the filter, and should facilitate the discharge requirements.
Hydraulic control valve is a use of water self lubricating valve body, without additional lubrication, if the main valve parts damaged, please follow the following instructions for disassembly. (Note: the inner valve is generally damaged, the products are diaphragm and ring type, and other internal parts are damaged very little)
1., the main hydraulic control valve before and after the closing of the gate valve.
2., the main hydraulic control valve cover on the pipe joint screw release, release the valve pressure.
3. remove all the screws, including the nuts of the necessary copper tubes in the control line.
4. take hydraulic control valve, valve cover and spring.
5., the shaft core, diaphragm, piston and so removed, do not damage the diaphragm.
6. after taking out the above things, check that the diaphragm and the ring are damaged. If there is no damage, please don't divide it for internal parts.
7. if the hydraulic control valve diaphragm or type ring is damaged, please loosen the nut on the shaft core, break the diaphragm or ring by Zhejiang, and then replace it with new diaphragm or ring.
8. detailed inspection of the main valve, hydraulic control valve seat, shaft core, whether there is damage, if any other debris in the main valve to clean out the inside.
9., in reverse order, will be replaced after the combination of components, installed the main valve, pay attention to the valve can not be stuck phenomenon.
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